UPMC, the largest scientific University in France, has 4,500 researchers and teachers, 180 laboratories, 30,000 students and 700 scientific PhD delivered per year. UPMC is involved in numerous international partnership agreements and has France’s largest scientific library and infrastructures. UPMC’s European Affairs office, in charge of the EU projects, has managed so far 90 FP7 projects.

Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique (ISIR) is a research lab of the UPMC, associated to the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). ISIR is a multidisciplinary research laboratory, which gathers disciplines of Engineering and Computer Science including mechanics, automation, signal processing, and computer science and Life Sciences (Neuroscience, Psychology). Researchers from the ISIR lab involved in the project belong to the IMI2S (Integration, Multimodal Interaction and Social Signal) group of INTERACTION research team. IMI2S research group, led by Prof. Mohamed Chetouani, conducts basic and applied research on social signal processing and social robotics. ISIR has setup coherent and competitive infrastructures of technical equipment in order to promote scientific exchange and development of collaborative research works.


5, place Jussieu
75252 Paris

Email: [email protected]

Internet: http://www.upmc.fr/

PDTI consortium